Monday, August 18

I really have no use for a hurricane

After all, the irrigation system already runs four times a day, and the wind would be Really Bad News. But this storm is going to go way to the east of us and we probably won't even get much rain.

At day 5, the girls look fine:

And just for the heck of it, I'll repost why I named both girls Jemimah...

In the past, I've waited until I've pollinated a fruit before I officially named it. Not this year. This year's monster is going to be Jemima.

Why Jemima? Well, all pumpkins are female to begin with. I like a good southern name, and all the better if it's a name you associate with a big old gal. After all, I'm trying to grow A BIG OLD GAL!

Beyond that... before she was immortalized by the Syrup Cartel, Jemima was a daughter of Job. That's right, the Job from the old testament. Now Job I can relate to... I figure I've suffered about as much in my pumpkin growing as he did from disease and pestilence. Anyway, at the end of the story, God rewarded Job with the three most beautiful women on earth for his daughters. One of those daughters was Jemima.

So to sum it up, I'm planning to grow a big old Southern syrup-lickin' beautiful pumpkin, and we will name her Jemima!

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