Sunday, August 17

Day 4, Growing Well...

But we don't *really* need a new picture every single day, do we? Both Jemimahs are noticeably larger and laying down on their pink Styrofoam now.

The 7-Up can is there to give perspective. Without another object in the picture, it's hard to get a feel for the size. When the pumpkins get bigger I switch to milk jugs... and then to neighborhood children.

I wish I could have found my lucky Mellow Yellow can. Lots of caffeine, maybe to pump up the growth? A can of Jolt or something would be even better.

The 2006 world record holder chimed in about the pumpkin being so far down the vine:

"Your weather and temp from here on out means a lot more that the distance out on the vine. At 33 ft out you will have plenty of food factory to feed the fruit."

It's sort of cool to be noticed by such a celebrity!

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