Sunday, July 19

Farewell Friends

Lulu got taken out by the deer 12 hours after she was born, sometime Thursday evening. The season is probably over, and I don't think I'll get to grow at all next year.

I swear to God and all the archangels I will never grow a pumpkin again with deer in the area without adequate fencing. It's just too easy to let your guard down, and BAM! it just takes a few minutes for them to do a ton of damage.

So this is the end of the road, at least for now. It's been a blast these last few years. Those of you who like to keep up with my progress, I'll let you know when or if I ever get to give it another shot. Lee and Tedd and Dave and Doug and all you folks out there who love to grow these things: KEEP ON GROWIN' 'EM BIG!!!

1 comment:

Tedd said...

I know that you are discouraged, but I believe that you should watch this: