Wednesday, July 18

We Here at the Pumpkin Blog...

... are VERY CAREFUL with our commercial endorsements.

Which is why we're pleased to bring you our first tonight! (Not counting last year's Blue Moon Pumpkin ale.)

It's nutritious and delicious!!! (Actually I haven't tried it yet and everyone else in the family refuses to try it, but that's not important right now...)

Enough with the introductions - let's have a round of applause for that lip-smacking Flax Plus Pumpkin Rasin Crunch.

Princess Fairies know to ask for it by name!

(It keeps their wings shiny.)

(The claims made herein have not been endorsed by the FDA, before you ask.)

It's organic, so you can feel good about forcing it on your entire family. It's loaded with flax, to keep you regular.

And it's got the extra goodness of pumpkin in every bite, which is why we fell in love with it in the first place. Get yours today!!!

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