Monday, May 5

A Rant Against Norwegians

I could start by asking, why do you chose to live in such a snow-bound desolate country? But since I more or less choose to live in Atlanta, I can hardly throw that kind of stone.

Are you folks from Norway aware that your oceans harbor the nastiest seaweed on the planet?! I mixed up some of your fancy seaweed fertilizer this weekend, and the results were totally disgusting:

Trust me, it smells worse than it looks. And by the way, you losers from Oregon have some totally nasty fish living in your oceans. I mixed some Oregon fish guts in there too. Even the cats thought it was gross...

But pumpkins are supposed to thrive on this stuff. We'll give Jemimah a bath in it tomorrow and see what happens. And in the meantime, you folks in Norway...


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