Not the model - come on, you know me better than that - the black package in her hands.
That's Norwegian Sea Kelp, which contains every plant nutrient known to man. Ok, I'm a cheapskate and mine is mere seaweed.
But seriously, this is the stuff the pros are all using as part of their fertilizer program. (Lee, let me know if you'd like some to try - just drop me an e-mail.)
Nice pic, John. And yes, I know you well enough to know that cute red-headed model is *definitely* your better half.
Anyway, I've got a friend that lives in Oslo (no, really!). Let me know if you want me to inquire about hooking you up with some of that good stuff the pro's are using... ;)
Thanks Andy, but I don't think the economics work out:
My kelp fertilizer is very concentrated stuff. You can buy "kelp meal" by the 50 pound sack to for animal feed. I'm not quite sure how they make the concentrate, but I bought a pound for $16.00. I don't think your friend could wade out into the fjord, harvest the stuff, and mail it to the States for $16.00!
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