Sunday, September 28

Fun is Fun, but Done is Done

I don't know what's to blame, disease or old age, but the plant is pretty well shot.

The (nearly) final unofficial weights are 215 and 173 pounds.

There's lots of room for improvement. I'll be on the lookout for prime seeds and I'll start working on the dirt as soon as the vines are gone.

It wasn't the perfect season, but:

At least I won't be going to WalMart to buy pumpkins this year!!!

Sunday, September 21

Time for the Final Push!

The season is late, the plant is tired. The pumpkins sit and quietly add on the last few pounds. They are big enough to be a curiosity, small enough to not be grotesque monsters. Darn. I think there's too much salt in my soil, and too many deer eating my plant.

Anyway, its time for the late season burst of 0-0-60 fertilizer. It's 60% potassium, which helps plants grow healthy fruits.

Jemimah2 clocks in tonight at an estimated 203 pounds. Here she is wearing one of my old t-shirts. It keeps her cool and out of the sun, which keeps her from ripening too quickly.

Sunday, September 14

The Girls have turned Orange

But they should still keep growing for a while. I haven't been posting much because I keep thinking they're about through growing, a thought that angers and depresses me. But no, they're still slowing adding on pounds and not really slowing down yet.

This one is 140 pounds now; the bigger one is175.

Wednesday, September 10

All is Calm in the Patch

The girls slumber in the patch, slowly growing, slowly growing....

I haven't posted in a few days because there's not been much good to say. However, Jemimah2 trudged through the 150 pound mark today; her little sister weighs in at 120 pounds.

Wednesday, September 3

Jemimah2 Celebrates 100

100 pounds, that is! The poor girl lives in the shadow of her smaller sister. I tell her all the time that if she wants more exposure, she needs to stop hiding so deep in the patch, but she seems quite attached to her location. But tonight is her Special Night!

Monday, September 1

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

But these girls grow real, real slow.

They weigh right about what Bessie did after 3 weeks - if you add them both together that is. But the vine is holding up very well, and they haven't started turning orage yet, so maybe they'll keep growing for a nice, long time.