The New Vine is Growing AgainIt looks awkward, but at least it has recovered. Meanwhile, the latest new plant has sprouted and its 1st two leaves look great.
Advantages of the current plant:
- I know the genetics and they are pretty good.
- It has a 3 week head start over the newest plant
Advantages of the seeding
- It hasn't been torn up by deer
- It hasn't had to deal with a rough transplanting
- But it's started VERY late in the season, and I don't actually know which pumpkin it's from.
I think I'll have to choose in about a week.

The first of the Fluffy deterrents is: deodorant soap. If she is a normal deer, that is. I think she may be a freaky evil deer, but hey maybe she's just a normal deer after all.
Sorry, I got off topic. Fluffy does that to me. Anyway, that fence won't stop her for a minute if she really wants in, but I'm hoping between the fence and the soap she'll turn the other way and destroy the rest of my plants instead of the pumpkin.